Intro to Java Programming




Wednesday, August 14th


Welcome to JAVA - overview of the course
Instructor introduction
Lab Login Instructions for today
School wide login information
Google - be sure you have a Java folder, if not create one.
Google Classroom - if you are not already enrolled in the Java Programming classroom then use this code to add yourself: qi3f36
Class Web Site
Complete Personal Information Form

Why Java? - copy and paste the questions to a google document and save it in your Java folder.


This course will introduce students to the the principles of object oriented programming through JAVA. The course is a two semester hands-on course where students will learn programming by creating animations, games and applications. The course will satisfy your CTE and practical arts graduation requirements. Here is an outline of the course: Java Fundamentals



Show this site to your parents
Read the District Technology Use Agreement Policy
Have your parents sign the District Technology Use Agreement (TUA) form - this is due tomorrow!



Learn what the Java course is all about and the procedures used in the course.


Class routines will speed learning and make efficient use of class time as well as provide access to class resources.


Class presentation, class discussion, reading and practice.