Print clearly, erase mistakes completely and use
a pencil to complete the form.
At the very top of the form write in Sequoia High School and today's date,
August 17, 2009
Section # 1 - Print your Last Name, skip a space and
print your first name. Bubble in the corresponding letters under each
letter in your name.
Section#2 - Do NOT use your high school ID here, leave the space blank
Section#3 - For your birthdate include zeros in front
of single digit months or days, so July is 07 not 7. If your birthday was on 1/6/07 then you would enter 010607.
Section#4 - complete this section. Above this section answer yes
or no if you have attended an ROP course before, for most of you the answer will be No.
Section#5 - Ethnicity - choose ONLY ONE.
Section#6 & 7 - complete home phone number and a
work number of your parent.
Section#8 - Clearly print your City.
Section#9 - Print your House Number starting at the far
left, bubble in the corresponding numbers.
Section#10 - First column, Print and bubble in any direction
that is part of your street name such as West, East.... Bubble in the
appropriate space. Leave blank if no direction is part of your street name.
Section#10 - The next three columns are for streets that have number
names such as 21st Ave. Print the appropriate street number (if you
street name is a number) and bubble the corresponding numbers. If your street name does NOT have a number name leave these three columns blank.
Section#10 - Under Street name print in the name of your street and
bubble the corresponding letters.
Section#11 - If you live in an apartment print your apartment
number here and bubble in the corresponding numbers.
Section#12 - enter your zip code and bubble in the corresponding
Section#13 - Home School - the number for Sequoia is
52, enter this as your school code and bubble in the appropriate numbers.
If your home school is NOT Sequoia see your instructor for the correct
Section#14 - Student Type - for
most of you this will be #2 - Concurrent High School
Section#15 - Grade Level - once again for most this will
be C - Concurrent HS Student - bubble in your current grade level.
Back Side
Section#16 - Leave blank like #2.
Section#17 - Desired Classes - for Class#1 use the following code: - only fill in the class you are currently in - one class only.
Computer Aided Design - 4th Period - Section#401800
Digital Media & Animation - 5th Period - Section#500001
Computer Repair - 7th Period - Section#500303
At the bottom of Class #1 where it says Class Name: print: Comp Repair or CAD
or Animation
Section#18 - Highest Educational Level, since most of you have not graduated yet this will be 1 - None.
Section#19 - Labor Force Status, choose ALL that apply. If you are working indicate that you are both a student and employed.
Section#20 - Income Category Information - most of you
will choose S for single and then indicate your income, 0 for No Income
if you do not currently have a job.
Section#21 - Emergency Contact - this section MUST
BE COMPLETED, for most of you this will simply be your parents name and
contact information.
Section#22 - Complete this section ONLY if you are over
18 years of age.
Turn your form sideways and clearly print your name on the line labeled Student Name.