Friday, April 30th


Plot Kitchen Layout
Here is what is required:

1. Kitchen Floor Plan - must include:

- length and width dimensions
- Working Triangle
- Elevation key symbol - this can be found in the ArchiCAD library

2. Elevations for each wall that is furnished
- One elevation must be dimensioned
- Hatch all cut cabinets and walls (walls should hatch automatically) - use the fill tool to hatch
- Elevations should be limited to the intererior wall space (do NOT include slab or ceiling)

3. Section View - dimensioned

4. 3D Perspective View
- Choose a view that highlights the best features of your kitchen.

Be sure each elevation is clearly labeled and the scales for each view is indicated.
In your notes include a discussion of the working triangle and how yours compares with the 22 ft norm. Be sure the drawing attributes have been added so they show up in the title block.

Proof this layout very carefully before plottting, you will only get one chance to plot.

Changing the Text in your Layout
To change the texts in your layout you need to go to File > Info > Project Info and then fill in appropriate values. Skip any options that don't apply.
NOTE: If you have already modified the Master Layout then these changes will not appear and you can skip this step.

DO NOT CHANGE SCALE IN LAYOUT - Do not stretch or shrink your view in the layout book, this modifies the scale. You can crop your view but you CANNOT stretch it.

Plot Setup

Complete Lesson 6 - Zones - turn in when you are finished and I will check your drawings on Monday.
Once you complete this lesson begin creating the zones for your house.





Have a wonderful weekend.