Wednesday, April 14th


Demonstration of Elevations - limiting height
Begin creating Kitchen Layout for D or E size plot.
You will need to include the following views:
* Floor Plan - probably 1/4" : 1' Scale, you might be able to have a 1/2":1' scale if your kitchen is small. Your floor plan should include:  Elevation Key, Working Triangle, Outside Dimensions
* Elevations of each wall one of which is dimensioned - probably a 1/2":1' scale or larger for your elevations and section view - ask about how to change the scale in a selected view.
* 3D View showing the best view of the kitchen
*Section view of one wall with dimensions

Changing the Text in your Layout
To change the texts in your layout you need to go to File > Info > Project Info and then fill in appropriate values. Skip any options that don't apply.

Be sure to get teacher check before plotting your kitchen.



Continue to refine kitchen layout.