Welcome back and welcome to Unit 6 -
6.1 Overview - Communication Through the Internet
Copy the Blown to Bits chapter 5 vocabulary to your vocabulary sheet.
Create a new Google Doc called Unit 6 Internet Notes and Questions. Follow your instructor directions for this page.
6.2 The Internet: Basic Concepts and Terminology
Before watching the video discuss the following questions as a class:
1. What is a computer network?
2. What is required to create a computer network?
3. What are the advantages of being part of a network?
Now watch the video
More Questions:
1. What are the top three nations with the fastest internet service?
Find the speed of the school's Internet connection by going to speakeasy speed test. What was your download speed? upload speed? How do you think this would compare with your home Internet speeds?
2. What percentage of Americans have Internet access at home?
3. Which country has the highest percentage of Internet access? The lowest?
4. Which country has the most Internet users? How does this compare with your answer to question #3?
5. What is meant by the digital divide? What is being done in America to deal with this divide?
6. Click on the
Live Internet Stats. Which of this is the most surprising to you? Why?
7. Based on these stats what is the most widely used app on the Internet?
5.10 Wrap Up - read the introduction to Procedures and Functions and then complete the drills for this section. As you complete each drill save your app with the following names so they can be checked later:
1. Procedural Abstraction
Error Message Procedure
isValidIndex with Parameter
Each time you have a pair of apps working get them checked off them move to the next two apps.
Game Time - you now have enough information to create a game. Create a new App Page called Game Design. Answer the following questions about your game:
1. Write a description for your game, what will be the goal of the game?
2. How will the player control the game?
3. Will there be a time limit?
4. What components will be displayed on the screen, what will the layout look like?
5. Will you have multiple levels to the game?
6. What happens when the user wins the game? Loses the game?
Use the template page to draw what the screen(s) of your game will look like. Use your tablet to take a picture of your drawing and post it on your Game Design app page.
Build Process
1. List the different components that you will need for your game - what buttons will you have, sprites, labels, variables, lists.....
2. List the design steps - which components will you build and test first? List the sequence.
3. Show your Game Design app page to your instructor for approval before you begin your build.
If you need help with your design check out the Space Invaders page.