5.8 Limits of Algorithms
How to crack a password - which lock would you want, one with one number or one with four? Why?
Can you break into a lock with four numbers?
Password Schemes - work in pairs to determine the best password scheme for each of the problems. Answer your questions on the google doc provided in the problem.
Here are the numbers you will use:
100 million = 100 000 000
350 billion = 350 000 000 000
In 2020
a computer would be able to make 89.6 trillion tests per second or 89 600 000 000 000
Traveling Salesman Problem - work in pairs to determine the best route for the salesman. Use the following spreadsheet to determine all the possible paths and the distance of each. Answer your questions on the google doc provided in the problem.
Complete the 5.8 Limits of Algorithms questions and reflections for teacher check.
Show all of this work to your instructor for teacher check.
Guessing Game App
Create a Guessing Game App that allows a user to try to guess the number from 1-100 that the app has randomly picked. Keep track of the number of guesses and let the user know if their value is too small, too larger or just right after each quess.
Create a reset button that resets the game so you can play again.
- have the app say whether the answer is too high or too low.
- change the GUI to make it more attractive to the user.
- change the GUI to make it easier for a user who has has limited manual dexterity.
Demonstrate your app for teacher check.
Final Checkoff of 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7