Our final exam will be comprehensive so start putting together your notes now. It will be open notes.
4.9 Abstraction: Inside the CPU - we will walk through this section together as a class. Once we are finished be sure to show your blue dot of success to your instructor for teacher check. Also be sure to answer the reflections questions in your reflections section.
Eniac Trailer
Hidden Figures Trailer
Complete 4.8 Mods - demonstrate for teacher check
Complete Timer challenge
Begin Animation challenge
Game Time - you now have enough information to create a game. Work with a partner to come up with a game. Create a new App Page called Game Design. Answer the following questions about your game:
1. Write a description for your game, what will be the goal of the game?
2. How will the player control the game?
3. Will there be a time limit?
4. What components will be displayed on the screen, what will the layout look like?
5. Will you have multiple levels to the game?
6. What happens when the user wins the game? Loses the game?
Use the template page to draw what the screen(s) of your game will look like. Use your tablet to take a picture of your drawing and post it on your Game Design app page.
Build Process
1. List the different components that you will need for your game - what buttons will you have, sprites, labels, variables, lists.....
2. List the design steps - which components will you build and test first? List the sequence.
3. Show your Game Design app page to your instructor for approval before you begin your build.
If you need help with your design check out the Space Invaders page.