Adding to your Shot List


The LS, MS and CU are all relative in respect to distance. If I were shooting a small child playing with toys in his room the LS would be of the entire room but I would not be that far from my subject. If I were shooting a parade then the LS would be quite a distance from the start of the parade. You can add variety to your shots by using different shots in your scene. This site might be useful for some of these questions.

1. Look up the following shots and describe each. See if you can find an example of each as well.

Extreme LS (ELS)

Extreme CU (ECU)

Full Figure Shot

Reestablishing Shot (RS).

2. What is the difference between a MS and a full figure shot?

3. When should you use the RS shot?

5. What is a "panning" shot?

Use the web to find the definition of the following two terms:

6. B-roll

7. Cutaway