Thursday & Friday, September 26th & 27th


Oct 19th- Cash For College Workshop for Seniors and their parents/guardians to get hands on help with completing their FAFSA or Dream Act application. 

College Club for Seniors every Thursday, 4pm-5pm, Rm 115

Vimeo School - Drive-by Shooting: Using Your Car to Make Better Videos

The Silent Short - This project is due TODAY! Is the storyline coming across clearly? Remember you must have at least 24 different shots - check the project requirements.

Academy Awards for Silent Shorts for Period 3 - after you complete the survey!

And the winner is.......

Pair Share
1. List several types (categories) of films or videos -
2. Choose three and describe the purpose of that type of film.
3. Category - Commercial - what are the characteristics of this type of video? List at least three.

Complete Commercials and Modes of Persuasion found in Google Classroom

Commercial 1 - what mode of persuasion is used in these commercials?

Commercial 2

Introduction to Commercial Script Writing - What is a script and why is it important when creating films and videos?

Complete Commercial Script Writing Questions in Google Classroom

Reverse Engineering a Commercial Script - going from the commercial to the script.

Use the Commercial Script Template as a starting point. Leave the first three paragraphs as examples and erase the rest of the script. As the commercial plays fill in the script. You may want to start by describing each shot in the commercial - turn the audio off during this part of the process. Now go back and watch the commercial again with the audio. Add the audio that goes with each shot into your script. Be sure to catch every word of the actors and all other sounds.

The making of Mean Joe Greene commercial

Remake of Mean Joe Greene commercial

Commercial Groups 4th

Commercial Groups 3rd

Commercial Project



Plan each of your shots for your Shot Projects.


What, Why, How

What: 2. Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance,
to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments
and media

Why: Teamwork is an essential workplace skill and understanding the different types of shots used by videographers adds to your skill set.

How: By working as a team to develop five different shot projects.