Digital Filmmaking




Thursday & Friday, October 24th & 25th


DPR Field Trip - come to room 245 during brunch on Tuesday for snacks before the trip. We will leave at 10:25

Franklin TempletonTutorial and Meet the People of Franklin Templeton - Job Shadow - Wednesday, November 13th - Pick up field trip forms today! - Last field trip of the year.

DAA Field Day - Tuesday, November 5th - if you do not have an academy class 3rd period pick up a permission slip.

DAA Event - The Addams Family Night - come for dinner and the Addams Family tonight, Thursday, Oct. 24th.

3rd Period Teaser - seating in rows J & K on the north side of the building.

The Importance of Sound - Peter McKinnon

Today is the last day to shoot scenes for the commercial project!

Commercial Project - here are the specs for the commercial project: - Due next Tuesday/Wednesday

- The movie must be exactly 30 seconds or 1 minute long - the closing credits must come after the 30 seconds or 1 minute and do not count as part of the commercial.
- Be sure to include appropriate music that adds to the selling potential of the add.
- Add sound effects to highlight the action - try, use the sounds in FCP or the sound library in YouTube.
- Adjust audio levels so they are smooth and clear.
- Closing credits - be sure to credit those who participated in the video. Also be sure to credit the music and sound effect you use.



Continue to think about what kind of videos you want to create in this class. What is the story you want to tell?


What, Why, How

What: Comparison of mics and learning basic audio edits.

Why: Audio is just as important as the quality of your video so learning proper sound techniques is vital to creating quality videos.

How: Class instruction and practice.