Monday, October 21st


Career Success series with Glen Walton and Mark Douglass

Top Employee Skills for a Google Employee

Create a google file called Career Achievements. Place a copy of your resume into this folder. Create a new document labeled Job Information - list your references and their contact information, list your job history, list achievements, awards, examples of struggles that you overcame and how.

What are some of the does and dont's of a job interview?

The Softest Skill: Virat Chirania stop at 5:11

Sample Interview Questions

JA Success Park App - sorry only for iPhone

JA Access Your Future

Top 7 Reasons People Get Fired!



Continue to think about the different types of videos that you would like to create.


What, Why, How

What: Final Cut Pro is the industry standard for video editing and today you will be introduced to this powerful program.

Why: Mastering the skills of video editing can lead to a successful career in film or TV.

How: Be able to identify the different windows in FCP and the purpose of each.