Digital Filmmaking




Tuesday & Wednesday, October 8th & 9th


DPR Job Shadow Event - Tuesday Oct. 29th 3-5th period. Summer Internships - lunch will be provided on this trip.
One of our mentors is a graphic designer that works for DPR. If you are interested in Engineering, Graphic Arts, Design, Architecture or any trades this is the trip for you.

Video Announcements

Commercial Groups 4th

Commercial Groups 3rd

Commercial Project

Due Today! Part 2 of the Commercial Project

Begin working on your commercial script, you can use the Commercial Script Template or create your own, remember one column is the video and the other column is the audio that will be recorded. Be sure the video matches up with the audio. Here is an example of a commercial script.

The Importance of Sound - Peter McKinnon

Five Sound Rules to Live By - Anthony Q. Artis - copy down these five rules in a Google doc.

Using a Boom Mic - record the four rules for using boom mics.

How to check Audio levels with a Canon t6i
Move the on selector to Movie mode
Move the dial selector to M for manual mode
Push the Menu button and move over to the fifth option - this should show Sound Recording - be sure this is set to Auto.
Press the Set button and the audio meter should be displayed.
Have your actor say a few lines and check that the audio levels are adjusting appropriately.
Move the dial selector back to Auto.

Sound Project 1 Boom Mic Positions - Student Interview
• Use a tripod and record someone speaking about 4 ft from the camera using the camera mic
• Use a tripod and record someone speaking about 4 ft from the camera but this time use a boom mic - repeat this two more times, each shot should include the mic IN the shot so we can see where the mic is located as you make the shot.
• The shots should be of a person or people speaking and you must get the dialogue recorded with the video. Change the location of the mic during the shots - be sure the mic location is visible in the shot.

The purpose of this exercise is to experiment with how the sound changes based on the mic location and how you can get different affects just by the location of the mic. The goal is also to get the best audio of the speaker(s).
Title each shot for which mic was used and where the boom is located and again be sure the boom is clearly visible in the shot. So if the boom is overhead the shot would be labeled "Overhead Boom". The first shot should be the camera mic and the following three shots should be the boom mic positions.
Edit your video with a title - Boom Mic Positions, your four shots, credits and music (music only for the intro and credits).

FCP Index



Continue to develop your 360 Video Concept Map - Due next class - submit to Google classroom.
What shots will you include in your video? List and describe them. What is the storyline - be as specific as you can.


What, Why, How

What: Movies are created by developing a sequence of shots and scenes in order to tell a story. The different types of shots are referred to by name and abbreviations.

Why: Knowing the different types of shots is part of the movie making profession and this knowledge adds to the skill set of the videographer.

How: Class discussion, reading notes and examples