Digital Filmmaking




Career Exploration Project


For the upcoming Mondays we will be focusing on careers. You will explore two careers, one related to film and another of your choosing.

Create a new google document titled LastName Career Research Project. Create a title for this project then add the following sections as you continue your research. Login to Naviance and then click on the About Me tab.

Naviance -> About Me -> Assessments -> Do What You Are - complete this section then create the following sections:

1. Personality Type: - copy ALL the information from Naviance here.

2. Related Careers: copy five related careers that are suggested and put the top three at the top of your list

3. Personal Response: - My personality profile was very accurate because…..

4. Of the related careers the ones I am most interested in (top 3)  are… because....

Once you are done make a COPY of the document and submit to Google classroom.










