Creating your First Web Page in Dreamweaver
Lesson 1



In this assignment you will create your first web page using Dreamweaver. Along the way you will learn some of the basic features this program provides.

Obtain a Studio MX 2004 text and go to page 12 of Lesson 1 for Dreamweaver. Start with Step 1.4 and work through each step until you get to Step 1.19. Answer the following questions as you work through the assignment

Step 1.11 - right click on the list and select List > Properties the choose lower case letters.
Step 1.13 - same as 1.11
Step 1.14 - go to Insert > HTML > Text Objects > Definition List
Step 1.18 - skip this step
Step 1.20 - in the property inspector click CSS and then in Targeted Rule select New CSS Rule then select Edit Rule. Name the rule Term and make the correct selections. Repeat this process for the Place rule.
Step 1.27 - skip there is no flash text.

1. Open the Surf_Hawaii page and then save it to your dreamweaver folder on your H: drive.

2. Click on the Design/Code view so you can see the code as well as design page. This will let you see the HTML code that dw is producing as you make changes to your document.

3. What short cut key will bring up the page properties window?

4. In the page properties window next to the word Background Color is a box with a down arrow, click on this box. What pops up?

Once you have completed Steps 1.4 - 1.19 show the page to your instructor for teacher check.

Congratulations, you have now created your first web page in Dreamweaver.