Photoshop and Layers


Photoshop is a digital imaging program similar to Fireworks but it probably the most widely used digital imaging program. As you begin to work with photoshop you will notice that many of the tools that you used in Fireworks are identical and work in the same manner. While Fireworks is made specifically for the web photoshop is suitable for both the web and print media. In this exercise you will make use of the layers and masking feature of photoshop.

To learn about both of these features view the following videos on - Photoshop CS5 Essential Training with Michael Ninness (should be in your playlist)

11. Working with Layers
Using a layer mask instead of deleting pixels
12. Selections and Layer Masks
Blending images with a gradient layer mask
Swapping heads in a family portrait

1. What layer is found in every photoshop document?

2. What is the advantage of using the shift key when draging an image into my current image?

3. What is opacity?

4. How does masking work? Discuss how the two colors invovled in masking affect your image.

Use the layer and masking feature to create a hybrid animal - do NOT use cut and paste in this exercise. Here are some examples to get you thinking about what to create. Another option would be to begin creating a banner or logo for your project web site. If you use multiple layers, masking and filters that would be considered a complex task. If you use images from the web be sure to site your sources.

Show your questions and completed image to your instructor for teacher check.


  Wooden Dragon