Monday, March 12th
Collaboration Day


Welcome back to the normal ITGS routine.

Please complete the ITGS Project Feedback Form

Complete Intro to Access questions
Databases and ITGS Guide
Examples of DBs you use everyday
Introduction to Chapter 7
Discussion of DB key terms Diagram 1 - key terms, Table, Record, Field (two meanings), Primary Key
Diagram 2 - relational DB, Primary Key - Foreign Key relationship - What would you name each of these tables?
Diagram 3 - creating a DB - the process
Discussion of DB concepts

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Find a news article for Friday - focus will be on databases and privacy. Submit to school loop.
Travis and Daniel will present news articles this Friday.
Complete Intro to Access questions if you did not complete these in class.
Complete - Data Base Reading Questions
Review the ITGS objectives for Databases



3.7 Databases
Databases lie at the heart of most IT systems whether in businesses, organizations or other institutions. Databases enable organizations to maintain accurate and comprehensive records. In order to appreciate the role that databases play, the ITGS student must have an understanding of how they work, which can only be gained from the design and creation of basic relational databases as well as by examining how databases are used in specified scenarios (for instance, schools, retail stores, online shopping, online reservations). The increasing use of databases raises a range of social impacts and ethical issues such as the rights of individuals with respect to the storage and potential sale of their personal data or the ease of data mining
and data matching. Students are expected to discuss these issues and, where appropriate, evaluate possible solutions.

Possible scenario
A vet requires information about pet owners and their pets. The ITGS student must be able to develop an original IT solution to meet the vet’s needs. This knowledge should be acquired through a practical activity where the student creates a (minimum) three-table relational database (first normal form only) that uses queries to interrogate the data, forms to enable the easy input and viewing of data, and reports to provide printed information as required.
IT concepts to address in this topic
Database organization
• Table
• Field, data types, key field/primary key, secondary key
• Record
• Flat-file database, relational database, normalization
• Database management system
• Specialized databases: for example, web databases, online encyclopedias
• Data validation: data types, range check, check digit, field size, input mask, drop-down list
• Queries: for example, searching, sorting, filtering, use of Boolean operators (AND, NOT, OR)
• Data entry form
• Report generation
• Macros
• Transfer of data between databases and other applications
Data storage and access
• Data integrity, reliability, redundancy
• Data matching, data mining
• Database security
Practical database techniques
• Table
• Field, data types, key field/primary key, secondary key
• Record
• Linking tables to create a relational database
• Data maintenance: changing, editing, deleting records
• Queries: for example, searching, sorting, filtering, use of Boolean operators (AND, NOT, OR)
• Data entry form
• Report generation
• Creating and editing simple macros
• Mail merge



Databases lie at the heart of most IT systems whether in businesses, organizations or other institutions.



By completing the DB questions