MS Word

At this point it is assumed that you know how to use Word and many of it's features. In this exercise you will demonstrate those skills. This allows you to receive credit towards the technology requirement for graduation from this class.

Download and save the following document in your My Documents folder - Employment in the Tech Fields

Follow these instructions to modify this document.

Part 1: Formatting
Apply the following formatting to the document:

1. Change all margins to 1.0"

2. Change the font of the entire document to Georgia 14pt

3. Create a header that contains the class name on the left and your name on the right. Create a footer that contains the name of the file on the left and the page number and number of pages in the center. Example 1/5 is page one of five.

4. Indent the first line of each paragraph .5".

5. Use the reference feature to add a footnote to the third paragraph right after the phrase " 1.9% or less in some areas." Use the following reference:
John Gibbs, “Employment Stats,” Tech Employment Review ( Indianapolis, 2001), p. 63.

Add a second footnote to the end of the fourth bullet point. Use the following reference:
Lynn Colby, Real Estate Booms and Busts ( San Francisco: Real Estate Publications, 2002), p. 99.

6. Turn the 5th paragraph into a bulleted list using arrows as the bullets.

7. Use spell check to be sure there are no spelling errors.

8. Create a table at the end of the document showing three tech jobs and their associated salaries. To find these salaries go to: Be sure each column in the table has an appropriate heading and the salaries are formatted correctly. Make the background color of the first row yellow.

9. Insert an appropriate piece of clip art and place it on the right side of the first paragraph with text to the left of the clip art.

10. Use word art to modify the title for this page but not the author.

11. Add hidden comments to this document so that they can be seen but will not print with the document.

12. Save the document a second time as a web page called TechJobs. View the web page in IE.

13. Show your completed documents to your instructor for teacher check. Be sure you know how to perform each of these steps.

When you are finished your file should look like this - EmploymentInTechFieldsKey