5. Professional photography for family events
(a) (i) Define the term “picture resolution”. [2]
Answers may include:
the number of dots, or pixels, used to create or display an image
higher resolution means that more pixels are used to create the image/ more dots to print the image, resulting in a sharper image/improved image quality when printing
resolution describes the detail in a picture
resolution measured in pixels per inch (ppi) or dots per inch (dpi).
Award [1] for a basic comment about picture resolution with [1] for each additional comment up to a maximum of [2].
(ii) Identify two problems that will occur if Claudia uses photographs with a low resolution. [2]
Answers may include:
photos will lack detail
photos will be pixelated when enlarged
videos containing Claudia’s photos will be pixelated when projected on a large screen
customers will not be satisfied with the quality and will not use her services.
Award [1] for each problem up to a maximum of [2].
(iii) Claudia stores photographs and videos on the hard disk of her computer. Identify two additional locations where these files could be stored. [2]
Answers may include:
external hard disk
Cloud storage (accept names of cloud services e.g. iCloud, Dropbox etc.). Do not accept a generic reference to 'websites'
a set of USB flash memory devices
optical media (e.g. CD/DVD).
Award [1] for each location up to a maximum of [2].
(b) Claudia holds large amounts of personal information, photographs and videos from her customers. Explain three actions Claudia could take to protect the security of the information that she holds. [6]
Answers may include:
save customer’s files in external devices (USBs, hard drives etc) and keep these devices in a secure place (locked up)
password protect the files/folders that contain customer’s information
keep files in her laptop and never let other people use the laptop
save files with coded names instead of using customer’s names for the files
have a firewall installed to avoid hackers entering into her computer remotely
if files are kept on her computer, use a secure password to unlock the system
have her computer go on standby mode and request a password to re-use after a short period of inactivity
encrypt the files / storage device so information is unreadable unless the decryption key/password is used
use biometric authentication (e.g. fingerprint scanner, iris scanner) to control access.
Award [1] for each type of action identified, and [1] for an appropriate explanation of that action. Award a maximum of [6] for the response.
(c) Claudia needs to allow potential customers to see her work. She would like to be able to show these potential customers her best pictures and a list of former clients that they may contact. Some friends have suggested that she should create a website and other friends have suggested that she should open an account on a social networking site to post her work. Discuss these two alternatives as a way of showing her work to potential clients. [8]
Answers may include:
website can be created completely and show her own design (eg background colour, fonts, layout)
website can be redesigned if a new interface is needed and the URL shared via email or social networking sites with others
an expert may need to be hired to create/maintain the website in order to show her work
in order to show her work, may need to pay to host the site and to get an URL.
Social networking site
social networking site has its own design but it is faster to post and share her work
social networking site may have distractors on the page (eg ads, other likes) that diverts attention away from her work
social networking sites are being used by many potential customers and no need to send them a link or URL in order to see her work
social networking sites may be too public and pictures placed by Claudia may be misused by others
potential clients may need to have an account with the social network in order to access her work.
In part (c) of this question it is expected there will be a balance in the ITGS terminology between IT technical terminology and the terminology related to social and ethical impacts. |