A podcast is a series of audio files that can be subscribed to and listened to on your computer or MP3 player. Now you can listen to more than just music on your MP3 player, you can get the latest news, listen to a short story, an educational lecture....,
In this exercise you will create your own audio file that could then become part of a podcast. The first step is to decide on something worthwhile to record, a proverb, favorite poem, words of advice, a joke....
The Software: (skip this step if the software is already installed)
1. Download Audacity and install it on your computer. You will need to login as comprep to gain administrative access. If you need help with the installation process here is a tutorial for the process - How to Download and Install Audacity Be sure you also install the LAME MP3 encoder.
2. Obtain a set of headphones with a mic from your instructor. Attach the headphones to the back of the computer, the leads are color coded. You will need to tell the computer what you hooked up, a wizard should pop up when you connect the headphones and mic. Check to be sure your mic is working properly by going to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder. Click on the Record button and speak into the mic, you should see the sounds being recorded. Stop and then click on the play button. Troubleshoot your setup if needed until you can record sound.
3. Watch the Lynda.com videos about Audacity or play the Audacity Tutorials. Unfortunately there is not a pause button on the video so you may want to take some notes during the tutorials. Follow the directions provided to get Audacity setup and to learn how to use audacity.
4. Create a short simple podcast. The podcast should include background music that fades in at the beginning of the podcast and fades out at the end. Introduce yourself (first name only) and the topic you will be sharing. Be sure the music does not interfere with your words. Remember you are to record something worthwhile, a proverb, favorite poem, words of advice, a joke.... Keep in mind who your audience is.
5. Export your audacity project as an MP3 and then upload it school loop.
6. Congratulations you have created and published to the world an audio file that could now become part of a podcast.