Paper 1 2015 Question 3 Key


(a) (i) Daniela needs to see the books in alphabetical order, with the “Subject area” sorted from A to Z and then the “Number of books” sorted from
largest to smallest. State the author that would appear in the first row of the sorted spreadsheet using only the books shown in Figure 5. [1]
 Badke
Award [1] for the correct answer shown above.

(ii) State the formula that would be required to add up the cost of all the books in the book store. [1]

Answer may include:
 =SUM(G2:G401)
 =SUMA(G2:G401)
 =ADD(G2:G401)
 =  (G2:G401). (where xxxx is another valid formula which adds the numbers in cells G2 through G401)
 =G2+G3+...+G401

Award [1] for any one of the above.

(iii) Daniela now thinks that she should have installed a database for the information about the books. Outline two advantages that a database
would have over a spreadsheet for the El Hoyo book shop. [4]

Answers may include:

 queries can be done to select specific records, ie English books
 reports can be made (ie summary of all the books that have been purchased, labels can be printed to label the books/bookshelves etc.)
 databases may reduce data redundancy and allow for more efficient storage & updating of data than spreadsheets
 a user interface can be included for the book shop staff without much IT knowledge, using spreadsheets may require a greater level of IT
 databases allow for data for a large number of books to be stored and accessed without increasing complexity for the user.
 databases allow the field choices to be set so that only certain types of data may be entered (e.g. Type of book, language etc.). Spreadsheets
to not have this possibility.
 a database can limit the view of the data for particular users (e.g. Daniela as the shop manager, may be able to view more data than the
rest of the staff), a spreadsheet does not have this capability
Note:. If an advantage is generic with no reference to the book shop, a maximum of 1 mark is awarded for identifying the advantage.

Award [1] for identifying an advantage and an additional [1] for an outline for that advantage.
Award up to a maximum of [4] for the question.

(b) Explain three impacts that the new computer system may have for the staff at the book shop. [6]

Answers may include:

 the salesperson may have to learn/receive training on how to use the computer and software. This may involve additional time commitment.
 the salesperson may request new software applications (ie image editing software to create posters about the books) or hardware (ie barcode
scanners) and this may involve costs
 shop owner may now expect the salesperson to perform analysis of sales/inventory
 having a computer may allow the salesperson to perform additional tasks (ie printing of advertisements about new books, mail merged letters, ordering books from their supplier)
 employees work will be easier and faster as they can check directly in the computer if they have a copy of the book
 staff will no longer have to calculate the costs of books manually leading to less errors in charging customers/fewer customer complaints
 staff are able to query the book database for specific information (e.g. all of the books written by a certain author, all books which cost less than $200).

Award [1] for each impact identified, and an additional [1] for an appropriate explanation of that impact.
Award a maximum of [6] for the response.

(c) El Hoyo receives a large number of tourists during the summer when the fruit festival takes place, but suffers from periods of poor internet connectivity. Daniela has now created a separate area in the book shop that has several computers with free broadband internet access so that tourists can use them to check their emails and find information about the local area.

Evaluate the impacts of this initiative for Daniela as shop manager. [8]

Answers may include:
 additional staff with IT expertise may be needed to work in that area if the demand is high installation. Daniela may need to meet additional wage costs
 maintenance and repairs may be needed if the equipment is used frequently, increasing costs to the shop
 website blocking software, antivirus and firewalls may be needed to be installed which may increase costs to the shop
 the shop may become a popular place and sales of books may increase
 Daniela’s investment may not be cost effective if demand for the bookshop’s internet access decreases
 Daniela may need to develop an acceptable use policy
 Daniella may have access to the browser histories on the computers and could use that information to help decide what books to stock

Note: Do not award marks for references to staff being able to search faster or more easily for information relating to books. This is stated in the scenario.
In part (c) of this question it is expected there will be a balance in the ITGS terminology between IT technical terminology and the terminology related to social and ethical impacts.