Login to Lynda.com and then click on this link to take you to the correct tutorial: Creating a First Web Site with Dreamweaver CC 2017 with Paul Trani
You will need the assests folder for the exercises but you should have already downloaded these in part 1. Be sure you are completing each step as you watch the video.
Be sure to answer the questions for each section as you work through them. At the end of each chapter show me your web pages for teacher check.
Chapter 5: Creating a Responsive Layout
1. What is Bootstrap?
2. When customizing bootstrap what can you do instead of deleting the original code?
What is a sticky footer?
4. What do media queries do?
Chapter 6:
Adding Media
5. Describe the process of creating a second web page once the home page is created.
6. If you embed video should you just copy the URL from the page into your website? Explain.
7. How can you identify an absolute path and what is the problem with using absolute paths?
8. What is the advantage of embeding a twitter feed directly into your web page vs just providing a link to the feed?
If you are creating a web site for your ITGS project you should continue on with Chapter 7
Creating a Contact Form.