Embedded Systems


Here is the ITGS definition of Reliability:

"1.1 Reliability - page 21
Reliability refers to the operation of hardware, the design of software, the accuracy of data or the
correspondence of data with the real world. Data may be unreliable if it is entered incorrectly or if it
becomes outdated. For example, a medical record that becomes dissociated from the patient it refers to
becomes unreliable. The reliability of machines, software and data determines our confidence in their

Read the following article, The Bugs in the Machine, and answer these questions.

  1. According to this article why should we be concerned about "embedded systems"?
  2. I just bought a new software application, how many errors can I expect in every 1000 lines of code?
  3. What are some of the trends in the software world that contribute to this high number of flaws?
  4. What is the writer's prediction about the future of embedded systems?

Refer to the definition of an "embedded system" to answer these questions.

  1. How is an embedded system different from a PC?
  2. What are some of the advantages of an embedded system being dedicated to a specific task?
  3. Move to the "Variety of embedded systems" and give two examples of embedded systems in each of the following areas:
    Consumer Electronics, Transportation and Medicine.

A network in your car? Read the following article, Motoring with microprocessors, and answer these questions.

  1. What are some of the advantages of having a network inside your car?
  2. What was the problem with networked mirrors that shifted down and in when you put the car in reverse

10. Evaluate the use of embedded systems in such critical systems as plane navigation systems. This is an evaluate question. You need to come to "make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations of different evidence and arguments". Make a conclusion and support your answer but also include limitations. 5 points.


Need a major at college?
Embedded Systems Course - UC Irvine










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